Thursday, August 30, 2007

6 month checkup

Here we go again...another checkup, another brutal round of shots. I can honestly say that this has been the hardest thing about being a new parent. It's heart-wrenching. Those tears..oh my god those tears. I love our Doctors office because they let you have the room as long as you need it, in case you want to nurse your baby to soothe them after the horrible episode. The nurse gave Charlie cute blue camo bandaides, you can see them below in the picture. It gives him the sense that he's been through a battle of sorts. Charlie cried but as soon as I picked him up and gave him kissies, he was fine. He even smiled. So without further ado....

Height: 261/2 in - 50th %
Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz - 10th %
Head Circumference: 441/2 - 50th to 75th %

Do you see the bandaides? So funny.

Damn binkie...he doesn't really need it but it comforts him and mom.

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